In what medical areas does osteopathy help?
Osteopathy is safe for children, in addition, the children's body is more malleable and susceptible to treatment. Early examination and timely correction of the violation can help the child avoid future health problems.
Indications for osteopathic treatment for children:
- consequences of birth injuries;
- dysfunctions of the motor apparatus;
- violation of posture;
- scoliosis;
- torticollis;
- flat feet;
- headache;
- immunity disorders;
- frequent colds;
- allergies;
- neurosis;
- attention deficit disorder;
- hyperactivity;
- delay in psychomotor, speech and intellectual development;
- neurological problems;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
An osteopathic physician works with all organs of the small pelvis, the spine, and sometimes even more distant systems. Therefore, there is not only a cure for a specific disease, but the restoration of the normal functioning of the body. Working closely with a gynecologist, an osteopathic doctor complements his treatment and makes it more effective.
When should you see an osteopath?
- preparation for pregnancy and childbirth;
- anxiety, worries, fears of the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth;
- complications during pregnancy and after childbirth;
- violation of sexual and hormonal development;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- menstrual irregularities;
- severe soreness during the menstrual period;
- chronic pain and inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area;
- specific forms of infertility;
- disturbing menopause.
The most effective treatment outcome is given by complex therapy - a combination of osteopathic treatment with physiotherapy.
What diseases can osteopathy help with?
- pain syndromes of the spine and joints;
- osteochondritis of the spine;
- pain syndromes and limitation of mobility of tissues of the spine, joints, muscles, ligaments of the limbs;
- treatment of postural disorders and flat feet.
Dentists were one of the first medical specialists to start working closely with osteopaths. That is why the problems associated with the dentition, today are most successfully solved as a result of joint work of dentists, orthodontists and osteopaths. Due to changes in the maxillofacial system, prosthetics can be accompanied by problems, and only if these changes are eliminated a good result can be obtained. And here osteopathy helps dentists.
Before and after orthodontic treatment or prosthetics, it is highly advisable to go through an osteopathic examination.
Indications for osteopathic examination:
- temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ);
- headache and dizziness after improper prosthetics;
- malocclusion.
The most common reason for contacting a neurologist is headaches. Sometimes people suffer from migraines and headaches for decades. And the main thing here is to find out the cause of it occurrence. Here an osteopathic doctor helps a neurologist.
Osteopathic treatment is indicated for:
- dizziness;
- insomnia;
- headaches of a different nature, migraines;
- attention and memory disorders;
- hearing and vision impairment, coordination of movements;
- high blood pressure;
- diseases of the nervous system: neurosis, “chronic fatigue syndrome”, the consequences of a stroke, traumatic brain injury
Osteopathy is safe for children, in addition, the children's body is more malleable and susceptible to treatment. Early examination and timely correction of the violation can help the child avoid future health problems.
Indications for osteopathic treatment for children:
- consequences of birth injuries;
- dysfunctions of the motor apparatus;
- violation of posture;
- scoliosis;
- torticollis;
- flat feet;
- headache;
- immunity disorders;
- frequent colds;
- allergies;
- neurosis;
- attention deficit disorder;
- hyperactivity;
- delay in psychomotor, speech and intellectual development;
- neurological problems;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
An osteopathic physician works with all organs of the small pelvis, the spine, and sometimes even more distant systems. Therefore, there is not only a cure for a specific disease, but the restoration of the normal functioning of the body. Working closely with a gynecologist, an osteopathic doctor complements his treatment and makes it more effective.
When should you see an osteopath?
- preparation for pregnancy and childbirth;
- anxiety, worries, fears of the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth;
- complications during pregnancy and after childbirth;
- violation of sexual and hormonal development;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- menstrual irregularities;
- severe soreness during the menstrual period;
- chronic pain and inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area;
- specific forms of infertility;
- disturbing menopause.
The most effective treatment outcome is given by complex therapy - a combination of osteopathic treatment with physiotherapy.
What diseases can osteopathy help with?
- pain syndromes of the spine and joints;
- osteochondritis of the spine;
- pain syndromes and limitation of mobility of tissues of the spine, joints, muscles, ligaments of the limbs;
- treatment of postural disorders and flat feet.
Dentists were one of the first medical specialists to start working closely with osteopaths. That is why the problems associated with the dentition, today are most successfully solved as a result of joint work of dentists, orthodontists and osteopaths. Due to changes in the maxillofacial system, prosthetics can be accompanied by problems, and only if these changes are eliminated a good result can be obtained. And here osteopathy helps dentists.
Before and after orthodontic treatment or prosthetics, it is highly advisable to go through an osteopathic examination.
Indications for osteopathic examination:
- temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ);
- headache and dizziness after improper prosthetics;
- malocclusion.
The most common reason for contacting a neurologist is headaches. Sometimes people suffer from migraines and headaches for decades. And the main thing here is to find out the cause of it occurrence. Here an osteopathic doctor helps a neurologist.
Osteopathic treatment is indicated for:
- dizziness;
- insomnia;
- headaches of a different nature, migraines;
- attention and memory disorders;
- hearing and vision impairment, coordination of movements;
- high blood pressure;
- diseases of the nervous system: neurosis, “chronic fatigue syndrome”, the consequences of a stroke, traumatic brain injury
How does osteopathy work?

Osteopathy is an actively developing area of modern medicine, numbering 130 years of successful use in Europe and North America. Osteopathy uses an integrated approach to the body as a whole.
This is a delicate diagnostic and treatment method performed by a doctor’s hands without the use of any equipment or medication: only a soft touch of the fingers and a very light, often hardly noticeable displacement of body tissues.The osteopath’s main instrument is highly sensitive hands, which, combined with fundamental knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, and physiology, allows doctor to determine deviations in mobility, temperature, and tissue density.
An osteopathic doctor doesn’t treat the symptoms of the disease, but seeks and eliminates the cause of the pathology, brings the body tissues to a state of equilibrium and activates the self-correction ability inherent in it.

Alexander Kansepolsky
Dr. Alexander Kansepolsky devoted a quarter century to the study and development of osteopathy. He stood at the origins of its development in Israel in the 90s of the XX century. The doctor is fluent in the methods of the American and European schools of osteopathy, as well as the unique author's techniques of osteopathic treatment.
- 25 years of osteopathy practice
- Vice-President of the Medical Society of Osteopaths of Israel IOMA
- For more than 10 years, he has been the head of the continuing education center in osteopathy
- Expert at round tables and medical programs of Israeli TV Channel 9, ILand TV, Russian Channel Russia 1
- Since 1996, Dr. Kansepolsky has treated thousands of patients from around the world.
Among Alexander's patients there are residents of:
United Kingdom

Anna Volkova

Trofimov family

Veronika Ivanova

Anna Lysenko

Nina and Victor Tishchenko

Anastasia Kobylskikh
Sign up for a consultation
- Shderot Yerushalim 18, room 418 b (bi)
- +(972) 54 987 1230
- Thursday
- “Beit HaRofim”, Shprintsak 3, 2 floor, ap. 260
- +(972) 54 987 1230
- Monday
- Givat HaShaul district, Kanfei Nesharim St., 24, 3 floor
- +(972) 54 987 1230
- Sunday
- Rehi Netiv Chen 2
- +(972) 54 987 1230
- Wednesday